Thursday, November 8, 2007

The 5 Month Belly

I don't see my family very often so here's a little updated photo Sophie snapped while I was cooking the other day.

She keeps saying, " You look SOOO pregnant!"

Oh, just wait.

I don't see my family very often so here's a little updated photo Sophie snapped while I was cooking the other day.

She keeps saying, " You look SOOO pregnant!"

Oh, just wait.


Beth said...

I think you look perfect! I hope my belly looks that good.

Amber said...

I too think you look AWESOME!!! I thought you said you get fat. Ha ha ha....I don't think so. Beth told me you started a new blog. Now I might actually "hear" from you from time to time. And might I add that I think this pregnancy is making you....dare I say it....domestic!!!! Baking Spinach brownies, sewing halloween costumes, buying a Magic Bullet. I'm so impressed. I'm gonna have to catch up with you.

Scott and Karin said...

Awwww! Beautiful, pregnant Emily. You are looking really good! We are so excited for you guys!