Thursday, November 15, 2007

UNCLE Rossy!

Since Ross started working with Doug my kids have seen what it's like to have a cool single uncle around. He has a truck and a sweet motorcycle and can bust out the guitar and sing "pretty blue dress" or "Special Ned" at a moment's notice. Oh, how they love that.

The other night we pondered a few mind-bending questions, like... What will we do when Rossy gets married? Is there room for both of them to sleep on our couch? Will she come with him to watch Spurs games and use our internet?

I guess we'll have to cross that bridge when we come to it.

All kidding aside, my kids love him. When he does come over they hang on him and want all of his attention. More than a few times Owen has walked out of his room in the middle of the night to go snuggle up with Ross. And typicallly in the morning, we will find Owen sprawled out and ross smashed into the corner of the couch.

They have a good time, as you can clearly see from the photos below:

Since Ross started working with Doug my kids have seen what it's like to have a cool single uncle around. He has a truck and a sweet motorcycle and can bust out the guitar and sing "pretty blue dress" or "Special Ned" at a moment's notice. Oh, how they love that.

The other night we pondered a few mind-bending questions, like... What will we do when Rossy gets married? Is there room for both of them to sleep on our couch? Will she come with him to watch Spurs games and use our internet?

I guess we'll have to cross that bridge when we come to it.

All kidding aside, my kids love him. When he does come over they hang on him and want all of his attention. More than a few times Owen has walked out of his room in the middle of the night to go snuggle up with Ross. And typicallly in the morning, we will find Owen sprawled out and ross smashed into the corner of the couch.

They have a good time, as you can clearly see from the photos below:


campblondie said...

How fun! Those kids are lucky ducks getting to see him so often. Better soak it up while you can huh?

Amber said...

That's so awesome that they have such a great Uncle. It's like having two cool dads. Lucky kids.

Beth said...

Awww.... cute. Ross will find a good wife. I'm sure.

Scott and Karin said...

You are making us jealous! We miss uncle Ross and wish he was around more often! Anytime Annicka sees his picture, "mom, where uncle, ross?"

dwellsfam said...