Monday, December 10, 2007

So Long..

We've been talking about getting new couches for over a year. It was springtime last year when we were shopping sofa beds and IKEA sectionals. But we never did anything about it thinking it was better to get into the house first and then get the furniture. Well of course the house part of that is taking FOREVER and in the meantime we get the first rip in the cushion of our off white leather sofa. oops, and then the second rip. And we hate it but we just ignored it.

And then our friend stopped by. She's gonna hate that i'm blogging this but it's actually kind of funny. Anyway, she's sitting at our table feeding her baby and comments that the cloth on our dining room chairs is trashed. and she's right. Who buys cloth chairs when you have kids eating at the table?? We do, because we loved the red fabric. And we're kinda stupid. Anyway, we get chatting about cleaning or replacing, blah, blah and then she says,

"But you should probably replace your couches before anything."

Ha ha ha ! Doug and I we're dying inside because it was one of those moments where you realize you didn't realize that your place is disgusting. She wasn't being mean at all, she just knows me really well and knows we've been talking about it forever so she lit the fire (whether she meant to or not.)

So today is the day we say goodbye to our good old friends, the off-white leather couches. We've had 10 years of comfy sleep, bouncy play (hmm, that doesn't sound quite right) and snuggle time with the kids. We hope you bring the same great happiness the next family (even if they live under a bridge) that you've brought to us.

p.s. No, I will not keep them on our balcony so CJ and Jess can sleep on them when they come to visit. Everyone will just have to embrace the new guys. pics to come later.

We've been talking about getting new couches for over a year. It was springtime last year when we were shopping sofa beds and IKEA sectionals. But we never did anything about it thinking it was better to get into the house first and then get the furniture. Well of course the house part of that is taking FOREVER and in the meantime we get the first rip in the cushion of our off white leather sofa. oops, and then the second rip. And we hate it but we just ignored it.

And then our friend stopped by. She's gonna hate that i'm blogging this but it's actually kind of funny. Anyway, she's sitting at our table feeding her baby and comments that the cloth on our dining room chairs is trashed. and she's right. Who buys cloth chairs when you have kids eating at the table?? We do, because we loved the red fabric. And we're kinda stupid. Anyway, we get chatting about cleaning or replacing, blah, blah and then she says,

"But you should probably replace your couches before anything."

Ha ha ha ! Doug and I we're dying inside because it was one of those moments where you realize you didn't realize that your place is disgusting. She wasn't being mean at all, she just knows me really well and knows we've been talking about it forever so she lit the fire (whether she meant to or not.)

So today is the day we say goodbye to our good old friends, the off-white leather couches. We've had 10 years of comfy sleep, bouncy play (hmm, that doesn't sound quite right) and snuggle time with the kids. We hope you bring the same great happiness the next family (even if they live under a bridge) that you've brought to us.

p.s. No, I will not keep them on our balcony so CJ and Jess can sleep on them when they come to visit. Everyone will just have to embrace the new guys. pics to come later.


Beth said...

Can't wait to see the new couches! Don't get them from JC Penney after our crazy experience. :)

campblondie said...

Can't wait to see them!

brookeisacrazylady said...

Yes I'm the blunt jerk. But it didn't sound like that in my head. I just know you have been talking about your couches forever thats all. And I met lets clean your chairs not get new ones. And you have seen my place at its worse and my chairs/table/couches are way junky than yours I out of the doghouse yet for being so rude? And I still have much guilt about it.

embot said...

puh-leese do not have guilt. It was hilarious and like I said, it was the catalyst. you are honest and it's perfect. We have been talking about it FOREVER so now is as good a time as any. Merry Christmas to us.

never change, crazy lady, and please get rid of the guilt.