Saturday, December 29, 2007

White Christmas

All the cousins that made it to the cabin

Grandma and Grandpa's Cabin. Ohh, was it nice.


Our Charlie Brown Christmas tree. The kids made all the ornaments out of popsicle sticks and construction paper.

All the cousins that made it to the cabin

Grandma and Grandpa's Cabin. Ohh, was it nice.


Our Charlie Brown Christmas tree. The kids made all the ornaments out of popsicle sticks and construction paper.


brookeisacrazylady said...

that is the christmas is supposed to be. i love the snow and awesome cabin.

Scott and Karin said...

The real question is, did the kids still like the snow by the time you left?

Beth said...

I agree with crazy lady.... looks like the perfect spot for Christmas! Let's have lunch soon. Are you around?