Thursday, January 17, 2008

Normally, I have pretty crazy dreams. very vivid, ususally scary where someone is chasing me with a large weapon trying to kill me or something. what... doesn't everybody?? Or, I dream of different events going on in my life at the time and smash them together. Like, i'm in court with F. Sammy from 111 and i'll be heroically testifying that she's a greedy, lazy, system sucking liar to a courtroom full of people applauding my eloquence and bravery and then suddenly the primary children will come in singing a song that we're supposed to be singing for the Children's program. Weird junk like that.

But it seems like from the start of this pregnancy i've been a relatively calm dreamer.

I don't often dream about the baby but the over the past week ive had dreams about baby names. I am really nervous that it's a boy and that we'll end up in the hosptial without a name that i love and I think my subconcious is trying to help out.

So the first night, I dreamed about Ike Chamberlain. Ike....what a great name!!! Doug has been working a lot so he doens't get to hear about these revelations until they've been smacked down by sophie, which is exactly what happened when i told her about my new favorite name, Ike....

"This is my boyfriend Ike," she said in a very mocking tone. "Please don't name it Ike, Mom!"

So my subconscious tried again the night before last. Beckford Chamberlain, and we can call him Becks! Becks Chamberlain, that's cute! Maybe a little too David and Victoria Beckham but still cute. (note: if you say it with a british accent it sounds even better!)

Yeah, that one was not received very well either.

So, if you've got some great baby boy ideas, send them on over. My overly helpful sleeping brain needs a break.

Normally, I have pretty crazy dreams. very vivid, ususally scary where someone is chasing me with a large weapon trying to kill me or something. what... doesn't everybody?? Or, I dream of different events going on in my life at the time and smash them together. Like, i'm in court with F. Sammy from 111 and i'll be heroically testifying that she's a greedy, lazy, system sucking liar to a courtroom full of people applauding my eloquence and bravery and then suddenly the primary children will come in singing a song that we're supposed to be singing for the Children's program. Weird junk like that.

But it seems like from the start of this pregnancy i've been a relatively calm dreamer.

I don't often dream about the baby but the over the past week ive had dreams about baby names. I am really nervous that it's a boy and that we'll end up in the hosptial without a name that i love and I think my subconcious is trying to help out.

So the first night, I dreamed about Ike Chamberlain. Ike....what a great name!!! Doug has been working a lot so he doens't get to hear about these revelations until they've been smacked down by sophie, which is exactly what happened when i told her about my new favorite name, Ike....

"This is my boyfriend Ike," she said in a very mocking tone. "Please don't name it Ike, Mom!"

So my subconscious tried again the night before last. Beckford Chamberlain, and we can call him Becks! Becks Chamberlain, that's cute! Maybe a little too David and Victoria Beckham but still cute. (note: if you say it with a british accent it sounds even better!)

Yeah, that one was not received very well either.

So, if you've got some great baby boy ideas, send them on over. My overly helpful sleeping brain needs a break.


Anonymous said...

how about charles (chuck), i like that name, or grey, miles, abe, pasqual, bert (and he can grow a moustache), isaiah, milt, simon, lex, harris, ralph (hee, hee),otto, jasper, morris, Le R, i could go on, and on, but i think you have a winner in there... HA

Julie Pia said...

I think Becks is about as cute as you can get! How about Spence Chamberlain.....just a plug for my maiden name. Ha Ha I'll laugh when you have a girl and all this dreaming business is in vain! Love you're blog.

campblondie said...

You know my feelings on Ike, and Becks is pretty tuff (in the manly way) if you ask me. You really can't go wrong.

Beth said...

I have a friend who loves the name Rocco????

I told you some boy names at lunch the other day, so I don't know if I have any more. How about Adam? Ryan, Troy, Jordan, Trevor, Devin, Carson. (I just went thru Adam's family names). I do like Miles. If I get inspired I will let you know. But you know what I really think....


Rachel said...

That's funny-- aren't your dreams supposed to be more intense when you're pregnant?? By the way, when are you due exactly?

Amber said...

I don't have a good boy name for you. I don't even have a good boy name for myself and I KNOW we're having a boy. It's been tough. I can't go to the hospital and not have at least a few names to go from. I feel your anxiety. At least I have a little bit more time. Maybe we should get together and brainstorm.

I kind of think you are having a girl too. But, I wouldn't be all that surprised if I was wrong.

Rob and Lori said...

I like Larry

Beth said...

Okay, the weirdest thing is that last night I had a dream that I was helping my friend (a random girl from college who I haven't thought about in YEARS) name her baby boy! I attribute this dream to you & your blog! Here are the names I thought up in my dream: Liam, Henry, and Uvi (weird one I know, but it was a dream of course).

Also, I thought of you in Tyler's music class today. Here are the names of the boys in his class: Oliver, Max, Lex, Georgie (George I'm guessing), Lucas, Simon, Sam.

Probably no help, but still......

embot said...

no, i LOVE all the names!! thanks, guys.

brookeisacrazylady said...

this is an awesome post. i dreamed my sister gave birth to a monkey. and i totally had to play off that is was normal.

I like spence from julie pia. i love george, sawyer, tucker, dylan. i know a kid named buck, so you could actually use your maiden name :)

And i love bo. or beau

Scott and Karin said...

I have crazy dreams too, where someone is trying to either kill me or my family. I hate those. I seriously pray every night that I'll have good dreams, something little kids do, I know....My vote is for Spence too. I've known a lot of Spencers in my time and I love them all, and I always called them Spence. Spence Chamberlain, that one sounds good with a mexican accent, what do you think?

Anonymous said...

how about duncan or parker or brent or bruce or max hey you know seth you could call him sonny if you want maybe Manu thats it Brent Michael Chamberlain

-William B.-