Saturday, March 8, 2008

a great family night

Aunt Loraine sent the kids the coolest quarter maps a few weeks ago. Both of my kids like collecting things and so we decided to sit down with a giant bag of laundry coins and start the great state quarter search. At first, it felt like we were cheating a little bit by using the laundry money {which of course we promptly repaid} but then I discovered how stinking hard it is to find 2 of EVERY state and decided to feel much better about it.

We don't have all of them filled yet but whenever the kids find a new quarter, they quickly check to see if it's one that they need.

THANKS, Dr. Jesse Aunt Loraine!!

Aunt Loraine sent the kids the coolest quarter maps a few weeks ago. Both of my kids like collecting things and so we decided to sit down with a giant bag of laundry coins and start the great state quarter search. At first, it felt like we were cheating a little bit by using the laundry money {which of course we promptly repaid} but then I discovered how stinking hard it is to find 2 of EVERY state and decided to feel much better about it.

We don't have all of them filled yet but whenever the kids find a new quarter, they quickly check to see if it's one that they need.

THANKS, Dr. Jesse Aunt Loraine!!


campblondie said...

So cool! Macy has just gotten into collecting. First on the list is Junie B. Jones books. Think you could get me a big bag of those from your laundry room?

Anonymous said...

How fun to see this on your blog! Really do enjoy being in on what you are doing. Love you, Dr. J Aunt L

brookeisacrazylady said...

that is cute!