Monday, April 7, 2008

A truly great blanket!

My friend Beth introduced me to Spongy Feet.  A great company out of San Fransisco that makes adorable baby blankets, bibs, burp cloths, etc.  She had a really cute one for her little boy and for my baby shower she had me pick out fabric for boy or girl and then she ordered the girly blanket once Penny was born.  This is how it turned out. I love it.  They have really funky fabrics and they are all so cute!  Thanks, Beth!

My friend Beth introduced me to Spongy Feet.  A great company out of San Fransisco that makes adorable baby blankets, bibs, burp cloths, etc.  She had a really cute one for her little boy and for my baby shower she had me pick out fabric for boy or girl and then she ordered the girly blanket once Penny was born.  This is how it turned out. I love it.  They have really funky fabrics and they are all so cute!  Thanks, Beth!


campblondie said...

A-dorable! I love that blanket. Good pick on the fabric.

Beth said...

I love it! It looks so great. I love Spongy Feet.

Anonymous said...

cute as a button.

brookeisacrazylady said...

so cute. the blanket and penny.

Sheri N. said...

That blanket is perfect. Very nice.