Friday, June 13, 2008

One more Owen story

Today he told me that we were brother and sister because Heavenly Father is our dad and everybody's dad. Then he said,

"I told Marco (at school) that we were brothers and he didn't believe me. I told him that everybody is a Child of God. He didn't know what i was talking about. Maybe he needs to come to our church."

Go, little missionary, go.

Today he told me that we were brother and sister because Heavenly Father is our dad and everybody's dad. Then he said,

"I told Marco (at school) that we were brothers and he didn't believe me. I told him that everybody is a Child of God. He didn't know what i was talking about. Maybe he needs to come to our church."

Go, little missionary, go.


Unknown said...

I love this story.
Owen is a real original.

Sheri N. said...

go owen~
Now if only I could do that!