Monday, June 16, 2008

sopapillas anyone?

Happy Father's Day, Doug. Ok, it was yesterday but for Father's Day we had an all out Big Texas BBQ. We had Paula Deen's Pulled Pork sandwiches, mashed potatoes and Cornbread (or as Owen called it, Corn Cake), and strawberry shortcake. Hot Dang, was it good. We all talked in accents, said ya'll a lot and Sophie kept balancing an Arrowhead water bottle on her head as a 10 gallon hat.

Right after church and while everything was cooking we had Sopapillas! Tons of them! and with yummy, melting honey butter. ah, to die for.

Here's Doug, the master craftsman, making a few. ('ve never had them and my first attempt was pretty funny.)

Happy Father's Day, Doug. Ok, it was yesterday but for Father's Day we had an all out Big Texas BBQ. We had Paula Deen's Pulled Pork sandwiches, mashed potatoes and Cornbread (or as Owen called it, Corn Cake), and strawberry shortcake. Hot Dang, was it good. We all talked in accents, said ya'll a lot and Sophie kept balancing an Arrowhead water bottle on her head as a 10 gallon hat.

Right after church and while everything was cooking we had Sopapillas! Tons of them! and with yummy, melting honey butter. ah, to die for.

Here's Doug, the master craftsman, making a few. ('ve never had them and my first attempt was pretty funny.)


Adam Tait said...

That first picture is perfection.

Anonymous said...

y'all guys had the best party ever, looks like. how come you are the perfect family? cute kids, a husband that can cook? moving soon? wow, living the life, living the life.

embot said...

ha ha ha. The blogosphere. The place where you can fool even your best friend.

campblondie said...

Sounds delish! Why does Father's Day scream Strawberry shortcake, that's what we had too.

Cheryl said...

Diggety Dog! those look good...

Anonymous said...

I agree with Beth. That first picture makes me want to plan a trip to CA. You're not by chance planning a trip out here any time soon are you:) Just missing ya'll.