Thursday, September 4, 2008

Tell me you were watching...

when Sarah Palin blew the roof off of the convention center last night! Woo hoo, Go Sarah. I actually cried when she was talking about her new baby and the message to families of kids with special needs. That little dude is YOUNGER than Penny.

Anyway, she's rad. A great face for feminism and a huge burst of energy for politics.

when Sarah Palin blew the roof off of the convention center last night! Woo hoo, Go Sarah. I actually cried when she was talking about her new baby and the message to families of kids with special needs. That little dude is YOUNGER than Penny.

Anyway, she's rad. A great face for feminism and a huge burst of energy for politics.


Anonymous said...

Glenn Beck called it political porn. We recorded it so I'll watch it during "quiet time" today. Daniel stayed up late and watched it and it was all he talked about this morning. Can't wait!

Beth said...

I think we recorded it. I totally feel for her (what the media is doing to her at least), and yes... definitely a great face for feminism. There is an awesome picture of her holding her baby in a sling talking to the media. LOVE IT! Maybe I'll post on my blog. Still need to learn more about her though.

campblondie said...

Watched it....loved it. I was so unmotivated to get involved in this election and Dave had it on last night. All I can say is that she got me interested, in a big way.

Cheryl said...

Its good to see that L.A. hasnt flipped you to the 'other side'.

Scott and Karin said...

We totaly saw bet is that she'll be running for Pres in the next election!

Amber said...

She is pretty awesome. Paul even told me her teleprompter broke half way through her speech and she just went from memory. She seems to be a pretty amazing person. I'm excited to see more of her.

And Ditto about her little dude Trig. He's Brandon's age. She's a tough mom!

Renee said...

I love her too! I cried when she talked about Trig. After I saw her speech I wanted to go out and vote right then. She totally boosted the party up.