Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Enjoy it while it lasts

Brooke held a great political discussion on her blog yesterday and as I read all the comments last night I felt two things:  

1) I'm sad i missed out (on the good parts anyway; my joke about getting drunk and voting for McCain was pretty early on.) 

2) I wish I were voting for Obama.  I know that sounds crazy because if I wish i was then why don't i just go vote for Obama?  Well, unfortunately there isn't really anything in the core democratic platform that I agree with.  From higher taxes to more government programs to his Cut and Run stand on the war to the social issues like abortion (a HUGIE for me) and the protection of marriage. Go prop 8!  

So, he can't have my vote but I can respect how thrilling it must be to have a candidate you're really excited about.  And boy are the democrats excited...as are most of the independents...and let's face it, a bunch of republicans have jumped ship, too.  I mean, he's got t-shirts, mugs and kitchen towels at Urban Outfitters.   I don't recall piles of John Kerry anything flying off the shelves!  He's beyond celebrity status. (The center of yesterday's blog debate.)

It's so much more fulfilling to be passionate about politics when your PRO somebody instead of just ANTI the other guy, ya know?  I would pay just about anything to have Mitt Romney at the debate table with Obama.  Two well spoken men battling out visions and ideas.  {I'm looking at you, 2012}  

Anyway, great job, Brooke, hosting a healthy political exchange.  I can't wait to go cast my semi-arbitrary Republican-in-California vote on Nov. 4.  

Brooke held a great political discussion on her blog yesterday and as I read all the comments last night I felt two things:  

1) I'm sad i missed out (on the good parts anyway; my joke about getting drunk and voting for McCain was pretty early on.) 

2) I wish I were voting for Obama.  I know that sounds crazy because if I wish i was then why don't i just go vote for Obama?  Well, unfortunately there isn't really anything in the core democratic platform that I agree with.  From higher taxes to more government programs to his Cut and Run stand on the war to the social issues like abortion (a HUGIE for me) and the protection of marriage. Go prop 8!  

So, he can't have my vote but I can respect how thrilling it must be to have a candidate you're really excited about.  And boy are the democrats excited...as are most of the independents...and let's face it, a bunch of republicans have jumped ship, too.  I mean, he's got t-shirts, mugs and kitchen towels at Urban Outfitters.   I don't recall piles of John Kerry anything flying off the shelves!  He's beyond celebrity status. (The center of yesterday's blog debate.)

It's so much more fulfilling to be passionate about politics when your PRO somebody instead of just ANTI the other guy, ya know?  I would pay just about anything to have Mitt Romney at the debate table with Obama.  Two well spoken men battling out visions and ideas.  {I'm looking at you, 2012}  

Anyway, great job, Brooke, hosting a healthy political exchange.  I can't wait to go cast my semi-arbitrary Republican-in-California vote on Nov. 4.  


Beth said...

That's how my mom always feels about voting Democrat in Virginia - arbitrary. But you never know. I love all these political posts. You guys are brave. I'm always a little shy to just put my thoughts out there - My "Whys" so-to-speak. We all have our own life experiences and reasons for voting the way we do. It is an exciting time for sure.

I just said to Adam last night that for the first time in eight years I feel a glimmer of hope. I'm sure that's how Republicans have felt in the past. But like I said on Brooke's blog, even though Obama is ahead in the polls I'm not convinced he is going to take it. I still wish it were Hillary / Romney.

jenjamin said...

I totally agree! What a mess this political world is. NObama is really a marketing phenomenon isn't he? It sort of drives me crazy, ditto all you said!

campblondie said...

I plead the 5th, I'm over it....all of it.

Scott and Karin said...

I feel you! I think Obama is an amazing orator and he does seem presidential, but I don't agree with ANY of his policies! He's too much of a socialist. I'm not in love with McCain either, but really, who else can I vote for? Oh, Romney...how can I count the ways?