Friday, November 14, 2008

Bad Blogging week.

Hope you all had a great week.  Thought Sophie needed a little shout out...or a giant one.  Anyone know how to shrink that pic?

Hope you all had a great week.  Thought Sophie needed a little shout out...or a giant one.  Anyone know how to shrink that pic?


Julie Pia said...

Why shrink it.... sophie looks hot! Glad your back, I've missed you. luvya

campblondie said...

The important part is, Sophie having fun getting her picture taken. Her face says it all.

Cheryl said...

I can tell you how. what happened to the orangecicle you had on there? I will have to catch up w/ you later about shrinking though. Why dont you just do it in photoshop and when you crop it just resize it then. Also, you can resize it in photobucket. Thats what I would do, atleast. Also another thing you can do is go into the HTML and change the pixel size of your heading and then when you reinsert the picture make sure to click 'shrink to fit' and whallah!
