Monday, November 3, 2008

Just a few Halloween pics

15 adults, 13 kiddos and a whole lot of candy. That is what our halloween was like this year. It was great. A big thanks to everyone that came all ready to party and brought delicious stuff to eat. It really was a great time. 

Doug as the 6 million dollar man, Steve Austin. That fact that most everyone at the party didn't know who that is shows that we're definitely the oldies of this particular group. ha ha. He had chuck norris, Coach Bolton and some trailer trash accompanying him.The whole gang standing in front of the most ghetto part of our house. 
Party set up.  Fun times. 
I've got to take owen to school so i'll download the rest off doug's camera when i get back. 

Oh, and Penny "threw it to the birdies" ,(ya know, patty cake, patty cake?) all by herself last night.  We all went crazy which freaked her out so bad we had to put her to bed.  We'll see if she remembers today.  who hoo, big girl. 

Here is our Friend Maureen as Sarah Palin. Perfect.  I wish i would have taken a pic of the hair. it was perfect. 

Not in his Wall.e costume, but still so cute.
By the end of the night, every single child was riding or being carried home.  Bart was the big hero.  
Getting some loves from my girl.  She is learning to give Kisses. 

15 adults, 13 kiddos and a whole lot of candy. That is what our halloween was like this year. It was great. A big thanks to everyone that came all ready to party and brought delicious stuff to eat. It really was a great time. 

Doug as the 6 million dollar man, Steve Austin. That fact that most everyone at the party didn't know who that is shows that we're definitely the oldies of this particular group. ha ha. He had chuck norris, Coach Bolton and some trailer trash accompanying him.The whole gang standing in front of the most ghetto part of our house. 
Party set up.  Fun times. 
I've got to take owen to school so i'll download the rest off doug's camera when i get back. 

Oh, and Penny "threw it to the birdies" ,(ya know, patty cake, patty cake?) all by herself last night.  We all went crazy which freaked her out so bad we had to put her to bed.  We'll see if she remembers today.  who hoo, big girl. 

Here is our Friend Maureen as Sarah Palin. Perfect.  I wish i would have taken a pic of the hair. it was perfect. 

Not in his Wall.e costume, but still so cute.
By the end of the night, every single child was riding or being carried home.  Bart was the big hero.  
Getting some loves from my girl.  She is learning to give Kisses. 


Kylee Wyotee said...

Looks liek fun, and you even got to serve your little drinks I see. I can't wait to see you guys agian!
Love you

Jo Mama said...

I like Mr. Karate man

Sarah Heder said...

Emily, Penny is ahead of her time! Tallulah just started giving me the same open-mouthed kisses on my lips and I love it! Can't get enough of them. Oh, and I would have guessed that Doug was Ben Stiller's character from the movie Royal Tennebaums. Glad you guys had a great time!

Amber said...

I love that you totally had the drinks you posted about earlier in the month. (Oh, I guess someone already said that). Well, I'll say it again.

Penny is dang cute and Owen is ADORABLE! Can he marry Ashlyn?