Tuesday, November 20, 2007

2 VERY obvious facts just newly realized by me.

Does that sentence even make sense? Anyway, I've discovered 2 things this past week that are monumentally simple.

1. Doing Laundry on the same day every week is actually easier.

I am notoriously bad at laundry and usually put it off until all baskets are piling high and no one has anything to wear. Then when I finally get to it, it takes me ALL day to take up and down the stupid stairs and by the end of the day I'm so sick of it that I inevitably leave one or two loads overnight so other tenants have to take them out and fold them for me or toss them on the table where they wrinkle into shriveled, little unwearable prunes.

Now i just do 4 loads on Friday morning and everyone is ship shape.

2. Christmas shopping early is AWESOME!

I've got 4 of my 10 out of town family gifts purchased and wrapped. This is soooo not me. ha ha.

Does that sentence even make sense? Anyway, I've discovered 2 things this past week that are monumentally simple.

1. Doing Laundry on the same day every week is actually easier.

I am notoriously bad at laundry and usually put it off until all baskets are piling high and no one has anything to wear. Then when I finally get to it, it takes me ALL day to take up and down the stupid stairs and by the end of the day I'm so sick of it that I inevitably leave one or two loads overnight so other tenants have to take them out and fold them for me or toss them on the table where they wrinkle into shriveled, little unwearable prunes.

Now i just do 4 loads on Friday morning and everyone is ship shape.

2. Christmas shopping early is AWESOME!

I've got 4 of my 10 out of town family gifts purchased and wrapped. This is soooo not me. ha ha.


Amber said...

Watch out!!! You are getting way TOO domestic on me. Where is the Emily I know? HA HA.... Sometimes it is the simple things that take the longest for us to figure out. I do it all the time. It's like having a "duh" moment.

embot said...

exactly. You'd think i would catch on before the baby #3, but i think i'm just a very late bloomer.

And...you don't look anything like round either. Can't wait to find out about boy or girl!!

embot said...

You you, i mean.... on monday! yahoo

brookeisacrazylady said...

Is that really true about laundry?

Glad I found you. Yours is much more sophisticated than me.

And you have no round face.