Monday, November 26, 2007

Weekend Round Up - Thanksgiving Edition

1. Thankgiving with the Chamberlains was fabuloso! Cousins, gloriously yummy food and a little pomegranate 7-up. It was everything a thankgiving should be and more.

2. Lunched with my Grandma and my sister Chris and my nephew Robert. Haven't seen the latter two in more than 2 years!! (What kind of family are we?) It was a blast.

3. Got a little Christmas cabin preview up at Brianhead and my kids went nutty with excitement. (As we were headed the steep mountain with Grandpa Charlie, Owen looked out the window at the snow and asked Grandpa if he had seen any penguins!)

4. Got stuck in traffic in Baker, CA and spent the night in the most fleabag motel called 'Arne's Hawaiian Paradise.' or something creepy like that. I felt like I was in some kind of scary movie and didn't sleep much at all. oh, never again...

5. Watched the Spurs beat the Supersonics on TV. GO Spurs!

1. Thankgiving with the Chamberlains was fabuloso! Cousins, gloriously yummy food and a little pomegranate 7-up. It was everything a thankgiving should be and more.

2. Lunched with my Grandma and my sister Chris and my nephew Robert. Haven't seen the latter two in more than 2 years!! (What kind of family are we?) It was a blast.

3. Got a little Christmas cabin preview up at Brianhead and my kids went nutty with excitement. (As we were headed the steep mountain with Grandpa Charlie, Owen looked out the window at the snow and asked Grandpa if he had seen any penguins!)

4. Got stuck in traffic in Baker, CA and spent the night in the most fleabag motel called 'Arne's Hawaiian Paradise.' or something creepy like that. I felt like I was in some kind of scary movie and didn't sleep much at all. oh, never again...

5. Watched the Spurs beat the Supersonics on TV. GO Spurs!

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