Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Pre-Term Contractions

Everyone keeps telling me to relax a little with this pregnancy. Don't do so much, you're older now and you don't want to have your baby early! Well, it's true. I don't want to have my baby too early but life is crazy and the fact is I live 2 steep flights of stairs above ground level with 2 busy kids doing lots of things. It's really hard not to just do what needs to get done.

It all caught up with me Sunday night and I ended up the the hospital with contractions that were 3 minutes apart. YIKES!

It took 2 shots of Tributilin and an IV pumping me full of fluids to get them to calm down. I guess i was a little dehydrated.

Anyway, all is well now and I am definitely taking it easy. We've got some sweet pics on doug's camera. will post when he gets home tonight.

And a special shout out to Rossy for coming over to stay with the kids just before midnight on Sunday. I told him it was a dry run for the real thing and he passed with flying colors. Lucky devil...

Everyone keeps telling me to relax a little with this pregnancy. Don't do so much, you're older now and you don't want to have your baby early! Well, it's true. I don't want to have my baby too early but life is crazy and the fact is I live 2 steep flights of stairs above ground level with 2 busy kids doing lots of things. It's really hard not to just do what needs to get done.

It all caught up with me Sunday night and I ended up the the hospital with contractions that were 3 minutes apart. YIKES!

It took 2 shots of Tributilin and an IV pumping me full of fluids to get them to calm down. I guess i was a little dehydrated.

Anyway, all is well now and I am definitely taking it easy. We've got some sweet pics on doug's camera. will post when he gets home tonight.

And a special shout out to Rossy for coming over to stay with the kids just before midnight on Sunday. I told him it was a dry run for the real thing and he passed with flying colors. Lucky devil...


campblondie said...

Nothing to see here. I hope you gave the Dr. a swift kick to the neck.

Scott and Karin said...

YIKES! We're glad everything is okay. Tell rosco that we miss him!

Amber said...

Oh Em....I'm so glad they didn't put you on bedrest. I'm all for early babies, but this would be a tad bit TOO early yet. Take it easy. I know that's hard to do. You're a busy busy momma. I wish I lived closer. I'd bring you some dinner to give you once less thing to worry about.

Beth said...

Well, at least you know now that it's time to get that infant carseat! Start shopping. She/he's gonna be here soon (hopefully later rather than sooner).

Do you need anything???? I'm around so I can bring dinner or whatever. Or maybe you just need some company one night and Tyler and I can come over. Adam has lots of rehearsals. Thursday? Saturday?