Friday, March 21, 2008

The first days home

So little Penny has had quite the introduction to this world. Poor thing. We went to pick her up at the hospital and the doctor told us that the nurse was giving her a bath so she'd be ready to come home and noticed that her left arm wasn't moving as much as her right. She had the IV in her left hand which was big and clunky so they did not notice it before. When she was first in the NICU they gave her a chest xray to make sure her lungs were clear so they went back to the xray and discovered she has a fracture in her clavicle on the left side. Ohhhh, it's so sad. She can move her arm from her elbow down but otherwise her little arm lays limp at her side.

We have an appointment with a Pediatric Physical Therapist to make sure there isn't any nerve damage but otherwise, all we can do is swaddle it close to her body on her tummy to immobilize it while it heals.

So little Penny has had quite the introduction to this world. Poor thing. We went to pick her up at the hospital and the doctor told us that the nurse was giving her a bath so she'd be ready to come home and noticed that her left arm wasn't moving as much as her right. She had the IV in her left hand which was big and clunky so they did not notice it before. When she was first in the NICU they gave her a chest xray to make sure her lungs were clear so they went back to the xray and discovered she has a fracture in her clavicle on the left side. Ohhhh, it's so sad. She can move her arm from her elbow down but otherwise her little arm lays limp at her side.

We have an appointment with a Pediatric Physical Therapist to make sure there isn't any nerve damage but otherwise, all we can do is swaddle it close to her body on her tummy to immobilize it while it heals.


Amber said...

Aww...the poor little thing. She is just so adorable. She'll be one tough little girl after she gets through all this initial hard stuff. Good luck and keep us posted on the dr visit.

Claire Thompson said...

So sad for Penny but glad she's home, now she can get all that good quality lovin 24/7.

campblondie said...

You've got one strong little lady on your hands.

Scott and Karin said...

when it rains, it pours!

Beth said...

Yeah, she is a major trooper. How are you guys? How is her arm? Thinking about you.....

If you need any company (or anyone to come over and hold your baby) we are around. :)

Carrie said...

HELLO Chamberlain's!!! I am sooo bummed!!! I just wrote you guys a really long message and being that I am new to blogger, it obviously out smarted me. Oh well, here goes...I will attempt to retrieve the previous information. CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Jeremy informed me of your new little addition Penny yesterday. We are so SUPER excited for you guys! You guys look great and you made a gorgeous pregnant woman Em!!! We had so much fun reading through your blogs and checking out the recent pics of you, that I decided to create a blog of our own so that we can leave comments (of course when I figure out how to do it without deleted all the juicy stuff). Mind you though this our first blog experience and I am a bit squeaky around the edges. A lot of the times my words do not make sense, so when in doubt just ask and I will explain in further detail. I have my very own language at times. Anyways, CONGRATS to you all again. She couldn't be more perfect! You guys have a beautiful family with tons of great fun humor. It's way better than the morning news. Hopefully this way we can keep better tabs on one another. We love you guys and can't wait to see you again!