Saturday, March 15, 2008

Penny Update

Hi Everyone!

Thanks so much for all your calls and well wishes. We feel so blessed to have such a wonderful network of family and friends, we love all of you!

And now to the good stuff...Penny has been making good steady progress since being transferred to the NICU. She was under a super spacey humidity helmet that helped clear the breathing passages and today we heard that the doctor feels she's ready to be taken out from under the helmet. Hooray!

Late Thrusday she was switched from tube feedings to bottle feedings and has been doing great with that as well. She started out at 15 ml and increasing by 5ml each feeding toward a goal of 60 ml. This morning the nurse reported that at her 9am feeding today she was able to take and entire bottle (60ML) and then fell right back to sleep. Such good news.

Also, yesterday I was also able to go in and hold her for the first time since the night she was born. (which really wasn't that long ago but it sure seems like an eternity to a brand new mama.) Grandma Terrie and I sat in the NICU and rocked her for about an hour and it was just heaven!!

So, now I am discharged. It was quite unceremonious and a little sad but the nurse gave me the NICU blanket they'd been wrapping Penny in all day to bring home. Ohhh, it smells just like her, I love it. I slept with it last night and it made me happy.

We'll post and update when we hear when she'll be coming home. Hopefully soon!

Hi Everyone!

Thanks so much for all your calls and well wishes. We feel so blessed to have such a wonderful network of family and friends, we love all of you!

And now to the good stuff...Penny has been making good steady progress since being transferred to the NICU. She was under a super spacey humidity helmet that helped clear the breathing passages and today we heard that the doctor feels she's ready to be taken out from under the helmet. Hooray!

Late Thrusday she was switched from tube feedings to bottle feedings and has been doing great with that as well. She started out at 15 ml and increasing by 5ml each feeding toward a goal of 60 ml. This morning the nurse reported that at her 9am feeding today she was able to take and entire bottle (60ML) and then fell right back to sleep. Such good news.

Also, yesterday I was also able to go in and hold her for the first time since the night she was born. (which really wasn't that long ago but it sure seems like an eternity to a brand new mama.) Grandma Terrie and I sat in the NICU and rocked her for about an hour and it was just heaven!!

So, now I am discharged. It was quite unceremonious and a little sad but the nurse gave me the NICU blanket they'd been wrapping Penny in all day to bring home. Ohhh, it smells just like her, I love it. I slept with it last night and it made me happy.

We'll post and update when we hear when she'll be coming home. Hopefully soon!


Claire Thompson said...

Emily, it sounds very similar to Kate, she was under the helmet thing too and it sucks to not be able to hold her but bliss when it finally happens, I'm so glad you got to hold her. I know how it feels to go home without a baby but all I can say is enjoy the sleep until she's home. Penny is such a cute name. Congrats. Claire.

Beth said...

Oh she is seriously precious! Thinking about you guys SO MUCH. Can't wait to meet Penny sometime soon.

Anonymous said...

hurrah! love the pic! maybe she looks like owen? SO great she is doing better!
love, jess

Amber said...

She is SO beautiful. And I agree with Jess, she looks like Owen. I'm glad to hear she's doing better. Hang in there. We're praying for you and Penny. Thanks for the update. I can't wait to get to meet her.

Jackie said...

You look way too good to have just had a baby wed! I am still swollen! What's up with that? Penny is beautiful and looks just like Owen. I am so glad to hear she is doing better. You are still in our prayers. Love, Jackie

brookeisacrazylady said...

dibs on getting to hold her when she comes home. seriously, i am so not joking.

I can't wait to meet her as well.

she is gorgeous.

mist said...

I was talking to Brooke while she was waiting for the phone call about your Penny's that time we didn't know she was a girl:-) The next day she told me she as in the NICU. I feel for you. It is hard and scary to have a baby in the NICU. However, I do know that when they get to come home you will feel extra blessed to bring a new baby home. Give her hugs and kisses. My favorite part of the NICU is skin to skin therapy. At first I thought it was crazy when they told me to do it and now I look back at it and cherish the time we got to cuddle even while being ventilated. Tell Doug the pics are beautiful...I think that is the bonus of being married to a photographer. I think you should call pottery barn kids. Those pics are cute enough to be in their magazine as a 30X36 wall mural.

Renee said...

She is just so darling! And you look even more beautiful than ever. I think about you both everyday. I can't wait to see the both of you. So happy to hear she is doing better. Thinking of you...

Beth said...

I think she looks like Owen too. Especially in the other pictures.

Emily Hannah said...

Hi Emily,
I just saw a picture of your latest pride and joy, Penny!(at your parents house in Vegas) How adorable! I remember visiting you and seeing Sophie when she was about 1yr in American Fork. She sure is cute, & the little lady. Your son, well I have to say how much he reminds me of you after seeing this site with that Star wars hat. the way he has it curved & shaped to his face with that big smile & chin dimple visable and eyes kind of hidden is how you used to look to me when you had one on back when. I hope you don't mind me sending this little note but your mom said you had a blog space, so I decided to look you up today as my son is sleeping and I have a second. I thought highly of you and all your family and think how posative it was that Auburn got all of you when we did! Hope all is well! Your kids are so sweet.
Emily Schmauch Hannah,
(if you type my email in google you will see my website come up as first option under the title "Families Are Forever".)