Monday, May 19, 2008


Remember our old friend  F. Sammy, the one who filed an extraordinarily bogus law suit against our building that put me through some major emotional trauma?  Remember how she won 82000 dollars after all was said and done?  Well, this afternoon she sent her daughter Destiny to my apartment to ask me if her mom could borrow 20 bucks. 

Ha ha ha, fat chance.  Maybe you shouldn't have snorted your winnings! 

oh, wait.  was i supposed to learn patience and brotherly kindness through all of that drama?  I guess i still have a ways to go!

Remember our old friend  F. Sammy, the one who filed an extraordinarily bogus law suit against our building that put me through some major emotional trauma?  Remember how she won 82000 dollars after all was said and done?  Well, this afternoon she sent her daughter Destiny to my apartment to ask me if her mom could borrow 20 bucks. 

Ha ha ha, fat chance.  Maybe you shouldn't have snorted your winnings! 

oh, wait.  was i supposed to learn patience and brotherly kindness through all of that drama?  I guess i still have a ways to go!

1 comment:

Beth said...

I just read this out loud to Adam and we are both totally laughing. Oh, I do not miss F. Sammy. She probably would've been knocking on my door if we still lived there. I can't believe that. Oh Destiny.... poor little thing.

PS - LOVE the pics of Sophie and Penny. You have gorgeous girls.