Wednesday, May 21, 2008

No host Ikea Party

Isn't this the funniest idea? Our friends in Auburn sent us pictures from their Dress Up Ikea Party. Check it out. They all dressed up, dined on meatballs and lingonberry sauce at the bistro and then brought a bunch of games that they played in the various living rooms on the showroom floor. Apparently, they didn't get kicked out or arrested or banned for life. Sweet!

Isn't this the funniest idea? Our friends in Auburn sent us pictures from their Dress Up Ikea Party. Check it out. They all dressed up, dined on meatballs and lingonberry sauce at the bistro and then brought a bunch of games that they played in the various living rooms on the showroom floor. Apparently, they didn't get kicked out or arrested or banned for life. Sweet!


brookeisacrazylady said...

how did i miss all these awesome posts! The zoo was so fun. Great pics of everyone and i can't believe she asked to borrow $20. i wouldn't even ask you to borrow $20! no shame.

Anonymous said...

Can I borrow 20 bucks?