Friday, June 6, 2008

Happy Birthday Owie!

So, my little man is a great big boy, today. I can't believe it. He woke up and told me that his pajamas were a little bit shorter this morning because now he's 6 years old! 6 on the 6th. It's his Golden Birthday!!

We took donuts to school for his class instead of cupcakes because glazed donuts look like 'golden rings' and on your golden birthday everything needs to be golden. His original party idea was to have gold coins cover the entire floor of our apartment. He eventually decided on an ANYTHING party where the parents don't get to say NO to anything. He can play video games all day if he wants to and he doesn't have to eat dinner if he doesn't want to. The only rule (in his words) is that you have to tell your mom where your going. Otherwise, he is the boss. And for today that is A-OK.

Owen is probably the nicest person I know. He's thoughtful, obedient, smart and best of all, he loves me more than anyone, even Dad! (He told me so this morning, ha ha.) Which is perfect because i'm totally smitten with him.

Happy Golden Birthday, Owen!

So, my little man is a great big boy, today. I can't believe it. He woke up and told me that his pajamas were a little bit shorter this morning because now he's 6 years old! 6 on the 6th. It's his Golden Birthday!!

We took donuts to school for his class instead of cupcakes because glazed donuts look like 'golden rings' and on your golden birthday everything needs to be golden. His original party idea was to have gold coins cover the entire floor of our apartment. He eventually decided on an ANYTHING party where the parents don't get to say NO to anything. He can play video games all day if he wants to and he doesn't have to eat dinner if he doesn't want to. The only rule (in his words) is that you have to tell your mom where your going. Otherwise, he is the boss. And for today that is A-OK.

Owen is probably the nicest person I know. He's thoughtful, obedient, smart and best of all, he loves me more than anyone, even Dad! (He told me so this morning, ha ha.) Which is perfect because i'm totally smitten with him.

Happy Golden Birthday, Owen!


campblondie said...

Happy Birthday Owie! Last summer we had a do whatever you want day and it was a total hit. Macy asked if for the first day of summer we could do it again. Enjoy your day of Video games and donuts! We love you!

rolyne said...

What a great idea, donuts in the shape of big O's for Owen and golden rings. I love it. Have a wonderful day Owie. Cute,cute pictures. I love you. Grandma Chamberlain

Beth said...

Awwww.... Owen! You are the coolest. I can't believe you are six! WHAT???!!! That is crazy. When I met you you were only three and so cute and adorable. I hope you had the best ANYTHING birthday ever. What a good idea.

Anonymous said...

i love the baby picture of owen. he looks exactly like he looks now, it is AMAZinG. happy birthday bud!!
j, c.j., and e

Julie Pia said...

I'm smitten with Owen too. What a hansome 6 year old. I love the "anything goes" day. I think my kids would certainly go for something like that. Thanks for the idea. How are you anyway?

I really need you to come to Utah so I can get my baby fix. I need to pinch those cheeks sooooo badly!

When is your next adventure? Hope soon. lots of love, Julie

Renee said...

What a handsome little man you have. Jared and I always say what a good kid he is. Julian had a great time at his party. By the way,you will definitely see you this summer!

Renee said...

What a handsome little man you have. Jared and I always say what a good kid he is. Julian had a great time at his party. By the way,you will definitely see you this summer!