Saturday, August 23, 2008

If you can help...

Many of you have probably heard about this already, but a "blog friend" Stephanie of Nie Nie Dialogues and her husband were in a plane crash in Arizona last week.  It was extremely severe and both of them have critical injuries that will keep them in the burn unit for months.  The flight instructor passed away in the hospital, his funeral is today. They are members of the church and have 4 kids and it has been amazing to witness overwhelming support from the blog world. (That's one for the blogs!)  Fasting, prayers, balloon launches, donations, etc.  It appears the world is rallying around this family.  

C Jane Run has all the information if anyone wants to donate to their recovery fund.  I have been sick about this all week. It makes me want to hug my kids and never let go, it's a reminder to feel grateful for my little life. 

Many of you have probably heard about this already, but a "blog friend" Stephanie of Nie Nie Dialogues and her husband were in a plane crash in Arizona last week.  It was extremely severe and both of them have critical injuries that will keep them in the burn unit for months.  The flight instructor passed away in the hospital, his funeral is today. They are members of the church and have 4 kids and it has been amazing to witness overwhelming support from the blog world. (That's one for the blogs!)  Fasting, prayers, balloon launches, donations, etc.  It appears the world is rallying around this family.  

C Jane Run has all the information if anyone wants to donate to their recovery fund.  I have been sick about this all week. It makes me want to hug my kids and never let go, it's a reminder to feel grateful for my little life. 

1 comment:

Beth said...

I did read about this earlier this week. So sad. And you're right, it makes you think twice about your family and loved ones and inspired you to be so grateful for the time we have with them. Prays to Nie Nie.