Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Pink Hair for Hope

I went to a new hair stylist today. Everyone I used to go to is now too far away, so sad. A friend recommended a stylist who owns a salon that is only about 2 city blocks from my house. Huge bonus. I thought she did a great job and she only took and hour and a half, which is amazing for cut and color, and then she gave me this cute little pink extension for Breast Cancer awareness month. Ok so i paid an extra 10 bucks for it but 100% of that goes to the Pink Hair for Hope Charity. I love it! Good hair, great cause.

I went to a new hair stylist today. Everyone I used to go to is now too far away, so sad. A friend recommended a stylist who owns a salon that is only about 2 city blocks from my house. Huge bonus. I thought she did a great job and she only took and hour and a half, which is amazing for cut and color, and then she gave me this cute little pink extension for Breast Cancer awareness month. Ok so i paid an extra 10 bucks for it but 100% of that goes to the Pink Hair for Hope Charity. I love it! Good hair, great cause.


burtons*north said...

i so wish i was sporting a PINK EXTENSION. it is awesome! is it permanent? or something that comes in and out?

campblondie said...

I love it! Plus, what I can see of your hair looks SUPER cute.

brookeisacrazylady said...

that is so cool. its very cute. i used to always wear a pink bow every my youths

Renee said...

Very cute! Let's see the rest of the hair!

Cheryl said...

loving that.

Maria said...

I want pink hair too!

Kylee Wyotee said...

cute em!