Monday, October 20, 2008


I've been avoiding this for so long.  Thanks a lot, Maria!

Ok, well at least it's about Doug, one of my very favorite people on the planet.  (others may include: Ricky Gervais, Jemaine Clement and Bret McKenzie. Ironically, Doug looks quite a bit like mesh of the latter two from Flight of the Conchords.  Don't you think?)

What is your husband's name? Doug Howard
How long have you been married? wait for it...13 1/2 years
How long did you date? 2 months before we got engaged.
How old is he? 35
Who eats sweets? Me. He makes fun of me because there will always be shriveled candy wrappers in the dryer after I wash my jeans.
Who said I Love you first? He did.
Who is taller? He is (6' 2")
Who can sing best? Me, although I won't be recording an album anytime soon...or will I?
Who is smarter? He is, but I've realized it has less to do with actual intellect and more to do with the fact that he NEVER gives up on anything. EVER. He can do anything, I'm certain of it.
Who does the laundry? Me
Who pays the bills? Me but i'd be glad to pass that one off any day.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Looking at the bed: ME.
Who mows the lawn? The gardner.
Who cooks dinner? I usually do because I'm home but he's the better cook. (DITTO, Maria!)
Who drives? Doug
Who is the first to admit they are wrong? Doug's always wrong.
Who kissed who first? It was pretty mutual up on top of the HVAC Building at Ricks.   
Who asked who out first? I was going to say that he did but then he just reminded me that I asked him to go see open heart surgery on a cow heart. so romantic.
Who wears the pants? we share the pants. a big comfy pair of sweats.
This is seriously the only picture I could find of us in my iphoto. That's lame. I'll have to remedy that.

I tag Jessica, cheryl and julie P.

I've been avoiding this for so long.  Thanks a lot, Maria!

Ok, well at least it's about Doug, one of my very favorite people on the planet.  (others may include: Ricky Gervais, Jemaine Clement and Bret McKenzie. Ironically, Doug looks quite a bit like mesh of the latter two from Flight of the Conchords.  Don't you think?)

What is your husband's name? Doug Howard
How long have you been married? wait for it...13 1/2 years
How long did you date? 2 months before we got engaged.
How old is he? 35
Who eats sweets? Me. He makes fun of me because there will always be shriveled candy wrappers in the dryer after I wash my jeans.
Who said I Love you first? He did.
Who is taller? He is (6' 2")
Who can sing best? Me, although I won't be recording an album anytime soon...or will I?
Who is smarter? He is, but I've realized it has less to do with actual intellect and more to do with the fact that he NEVER gives up on anything. EVER. He can do anything, I'm certain of it.
Who does the laundry? Me
Who pays the bills? Me but i'd be glad to pass that one off any day.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Looking at the bed: ME.
Who mows the lawn? The gardner.
Who cooks dinner? I usually do because I'm home but he's the better cook. (DITTO, Maria!)
Who drives? Doug
Who is the first to admit they are wrong? Doug's always wrong.
Who kissed who first? It was pretty mutual up on top of the HVAC Building at Ricks.   
Who asked who out first? I was going to say that he did but then he just reminded me that I asked him to go see open heart surgery on a cow heart. so romantic.
Who wears the pants? we share the pants. a big comfy pair of sweats.
This is seriously the only picture I could find of us in my iphoto. That's lame. I'll have to remedy that.

I tag Jessica, cheryl and julie P.


Julie Pia said...

Thanks a lot Em. I've never done this tag thing. Hope I do it right. Let me know! Love ya

Scott and Karin said...

Wow, If I had a nickle for every time I scored on top of the HVAC Building at Ricks.....


Anonymous said...

um, emily, remember i have a brain tumor and can't remember yesterday... even if i wanted to... details about my marriage? i am married?????!!!!!

embot said...

exactly! just what soon-to-be-new parents need. a look back at the good ole days! ha ha. So, let's see it sister. Make it up if you have to.

Cheryl said...

i just did the deed.

Sarah Heder said...

I never thought of it before but Doug DOES look like a mesh of the Flight of the Conchord guys!

Oh, and all I have to say is 13 1/2 years????!!!! Wow. That's a long time! We're about half way there.

Renee said...

131/2 years! Wasn't it just 10 years?? Oh, that is when I met you guys. Time flies. That's great! So glad you got tagged. I don't think I ever knew how you met.

Beth said...

This tag is really going around. Sorry I missed the temple today. I need it! Hope you had a really nice time.

Julie Pia said...

OOh, la-la! Low carbs eh? Good for you. I'm actually doing it right now too! Just remember, lots of nuts and berries! Did you read my post on my favorite protein drink? It's the best and I drink it twice a day. The other tip is eat every 3 hours so you're never starving. Good luck to you. If you have any tips for me, I'd love it! Love you!

campblondie said...

Let me know when your album drops.