Sunday, October 19, 2008


Lawn signs looking a lot like this but with a yellow background were stolen right out of our yard the other night.  I'm no Magnum P.I. but I think it was the nefarious work of the "NO on prop 8" folks.  Most of us have had something like that happen, actually.  Our friend was flipped off on the freeway after the other driver saw her bumper sticker.  And I guess our old bishop had heard about the sign theft and tied fishing line and a long string of cans to his sign. When the perp nabbed the sign it made a huge racket so he ran out and saw a guy on roller blades with a clipboard full of Prop 8 supporters!  It was organized!! They had a clipboard!!!
(The Studio City folks may have better details on that story...I only heard tidbits of it after Nursery today.)  

Anyway, It's exciting and fun to be involved.  I guess I should go get registered at our new address tomorrow.  that would be awesome to show up and not even be able to vote. 

To learn more about Prop 8, visit Protect  Or call me, I'll give you the low down.  

Lawn signs looking a lot like this but with a yellow background were stolen right out of our yard the other night.  I'm no Magnum P.I. but I think it was the nefarious work of the "NO on prop 8" folks.  Most of us have had something like that happen, actually.  Our friend was flipped off on the freeway after the other driver saw her bumper sticker.  And I guess our old bishop had heard about the sign theft and tied fishing line and a long string of cans to his sign. When the perp nabbed the sign it made a huge racket so he ran out and saw a guy on roller blades with a clipboard full of Prop 8 supporters!  It was organized!! They had a clipboard!!!
(The Studio City folks may have better details on that story...I only heard tidbits of it after Nursery today.)  

Anyway, It's exciting and fun to be involved.  I guess I should go get registered at our new address tomorrow.  that would be awesome to show up and not even be able to vote. 

To learn more about Prop 8, visit Protect  Or call me, I'll give you the low down.  


Cheryl said...

Apparantly California needs 'HELP' with Prop 8. They asked us (at church) to devote 2 hours a day to make phone calls to random people in Cali to help get people to go vote. Im not sure if getting hung up on that many times would do any good but in the first place: who has 2 hours to make phone calls?

Beth said...

We have a bunch of signs in our storage room b/c we can't put them out front of our building. If you need more we can bring them over. How funny.

Maria said...

The story of the guy on rollerblades is great! BTW--TAG your it. Check out my blog.

Renee said...

I have heard several stories like this. I think it's horrible. I have a bumper sticker but I placed it in my rear window. Haven't gotten any mean looks or flipped off yet.

campblondie said...

I LOVE that he tied fishing lines and a bunch of cans to his sign! We have a sign in our front yard against prop 102 here in AZ, no sign of a rollerblading theif yet though.

brookeisacrazylady said...

there are no haters in encino so far. although we heard about a vandalized car at church yesterday.

Anonymous said...

dude, i made the switch this morning. feel good about it.
there are some pretty special pics of you in the archives... your hair was SO long and dark...