Wednesday, October 15, 2008

So many things to post.

First of all, I just won the Project Runway challenge with our friends. NO WAY! After the very first show we placed our picks in sealed envelopes and then donated 2 yards of fabric to the big fabric pool. Whoever picked the winner wins all the fabric and bragging rights until next year. go, leanne... go, go, leanne! Apparently, I was the only one who picked her so i get all that fabric. If I knew how to sew that would be so much cooler!

Second, I was watching the debate tonight and when McCain starting going on about education "vouchers" and saying the word over and over: "vouchers, he supports vouchers..." i had flashbacks of SNL's version of Al Gore's Social Security "LockBox" skit from 2000. Anyone remember that? It was so funny. Overall McCain did fine but I'm not afraid to say I'll be happy when this election is OVER.

And last the best of all the game...we had a fantastic weekend with out-of-town family coming in-town for a celebration of sorts. Doug was called into the Bishopric this weekend as the second counselor so Doug's brother, Jeff, came in town from Arkansas and G'ma Terrie and G'pa Charlie came down from Vegas. We whooped it up and decorated the house for Halloween, carved pumpkins, hit the farmers market and Fuddrucker's for lunch and a special highlight was when  Doug put a glove on his head and blew it up like a big balloon.  

Doug being Doug.
Grandma and Grandpa thinking it was really funny. 
Lovin' my half-face.
Lovin' Doug's happy face. 

Jeff totally bonded with my kids, Penny especially. DID YOU HEAR THAT ROSS? I think you've been replaced. I guess that's what happens when you go and move away on us! (we hope you come back for a visit at least. preferably during basketball season.)

Anyway, she would grin at Jeff and do a little giggle at him, it was so cute. It seemed her face might split or explode or something she was so happy. It may have had something to do with the fact that he got up and fed her at 4 am. And then he'd just sit and play with her for the longest time while I tried to get stuff done.  You've never met a more patient man than Jeff and Penny just loved him. 

All in all, the last week has gone by so fast. So many wonderful things help me forget about the S&P 500. {gulp!}

WE love you G'ma and G'pa. Come back soon!  You too, Jeff. Only bring the whole gang next time.   

First of all, I just won the Project Runway challenge with our friends. NO WAY! After the very first show we placed our picks in sealed envelopes and then donated 2 yards of fabric to the big fabric pool. Whoever picked the winner wins all the fabric and bragging rights until next year. go, leanne... go, go, leanne! Apparently, I was the only one who picked her so i get all that fabric. If I knew how to sew that would be so much cooler!

Second, I was watching the debate tonight and when McCain starting going on about education "vouchers" and saying the word over and over: "vouchers, he supports vouchers..." i had flashbacks of SNL's version of Al Gore's Social Security "LockBox" skit from 2000. Anyone remember that? It was so funny. Overall McCain did fine but I'm not afraid to say I'll be happy when this election is OVER.

And last the best of all the game...we had a fantastic weekend with out-of-town family coming in-town for a celebration of sorts. Doug was called into the Bishopric this weekend as the second counselor so Doug's brother, Jeff, came in town from Arkansas and G'ma Terrie and G'pa Charlie came down from Vegas. We whooped it up and decorated the house for Halloween, carved pumpkins, hit the farmers market and Fuddrucker's for lunch and a special highlight was when  Doug put a glove on his head and blew it up like a big balloon.  

Doug being Doug.
Grandma and Grandpa thinking it was really funny. 
Lovin' my half-face.
Lovin' Doug's happy face. 

Jeff totally bonded with my kids, Penny especially. DID YOU HEAR THAT ROSS? I think you've been replaced. I guess that's what happens when you go and move away on us! (we hope you come back for a visit at least. preferably during basketball season.)

Anyway, she would grin at Jeff and do a little giggle at him, it was so cute. It seemed her face might split or explode or something she was so happy. It may have had something to do with the fact that he got up and fed her at 4 am. And then he'd just sit and play with her for the longest time while I tried to get stuff done.  You've never met a more patient man than Jeff and Penny just loved him. 

All in all, the last week has gone by so fast. So many wonderful things help me forget about the S&P 500. {gulp!}

WE love you G'ma and G'pa. Come back soon!  You too, Jeff. Only bring the whole gang next time.   


Kylee Wyotee said...

Sounds fun! I miss you all! I think i need to plan a trip to come see everyone. Or you all need to come here!!!

Cheryl said...

I am loving this post. Thanks for giving us such an open insight on whats going on with your family. It looks like you had a great week. So, Emily, are you looking forward to Sac meetings now?

Sarah Heder said...

I can't believe you won the WHOLE Project Runway thing! Only you! Lucky you! It's a good thing you weren't there in person or I think Pam might have had some fightin' words for you. Ha! Anyway, it was a fun night and it was fun to call you afterwards and tell you you won. Sorry we kind of ruined it for you by calling 5 minutes before you saw who won. I'm sure you figured out that you already knew you won when we called you. Sorry to spoil it for you! Can't wait til next season!

Julie Pia said...

You are soooooo cool Em! I can't believe you won all that fabric. Hey, if you need any help with it, I'm your girl.

I'm really proud of you Doug, 2nd councelor. I feel like I could come to Doug and repent of -ALL- my sins and he would still love me! hee hee.

Thanks for all your comments on my blog Em. You are such a great friend and I'm so glad we've stayed in touch over the years! love you girl!

campblondie said...

Those pictures make me miss you guys! I'm so glad it was a good weekend, wish we could have been there.

brookeisacrazylady said...

that is soo cool. all of it

i can't believe you won. dude, lets go crazy and sell it all on etsy and be millionaires! with really cute packaging of course. all thanks to leanne. good pick

Beth said...

I can't believe it either. That's awesome. Maybe this will inspire you and you will finally become one of "those girls" who has an etsy shop, right? Time to sharpen those homemaking skills I guess. :) Let's do something this week. Maybe some shopping if Doug is around?

Scott and Karin said...

We're so glad that Jeff was able to make it out there! Looks like you guys had a blast with him.

Pam said...

um, MIGHT have had fighting words? forget the words, you would have gone DOWN!! it's been a challenge to get through this loss but, with a little prayer and support from my friends, i think everything will be okay.

Cheryl said...

please post pics of ALLLLLL that fabric!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Renee said...

So cool. I liked Leanne too. Looks like a great family weekend.