Wednesday, November 5, 2008

GO Prop 8! have they called it yet?

What is wrong with everybody. 52% to 48% is a pretty clear win, just call it already!

And Congrats to the Obama camp. Looks like a new chapter in American History.

What is wrong with everybody. 52% to 48% is a pretty clear win, just call it already!

And Congrats to the Obama camp. Looks like a new chapter in American History.


burtons*north said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
burtons*north said...

whoop! whoop!

{sorry i had to delete the other comment, i made a really bad spelling error...}

Jo Mama said...

Welcome comrades, to the age of American socialism!

embot said...

Oh, JoMama. I'll bet today has been a little rough on you.

But on a brighter note, how's the baby nugget?

Maria said...

So is it crazy anti-mormon in Cali yet? I saw the protest in front of the temple in the paper. Is it really that bad?

embot said...

yes, it is that bad. One of the bishops in Manhattan Beach had his house spray painted with the word "BIGOT" and his car painted and scratched.

Maria said...

Wow, I just saw the video at LA times of the Samoan members at the temple. Do they realize we're not the only church behind this? Why aren't they protesting Catholic churches or Jewish Synagagues?

Maria said...

The church is just an easy target.

embot said...

We were the biggest fundraisers and, of course, an easy target.