Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Doug the builder, can he fix it?!?

(Oh, wow. We haven't watched Bob the Builder in a very, very long time)

Remember when i was looking for a dresser for Penny and Owen's room?  Well, i refused to buy another ikea dresser (we've owned about 20 of them) then I went to this local guy that refurnishes old vintage-y pieces, and there was some amazing stuff but i knew if I brought that home doug would say, "i can build that."  

So, since Doug had a slow work week last week,  he decided to do just that.  He found a table saw on Craigslist and that just opened up a whole new world of building for him.  

Here's the final product, all customized with dividers and everything. He also found a spray gun on craigslist (I really heart craigslist.)

I absolutely love it!  The only sad part is that it's now all hidden away in the kids closet. 

(Oh, wow. We haven't watched Bob the Builder in a very, very long time)

Remember when i was looking for a dresser for Penny and Owen's room?  Well, i refused to buy another ikea dresser (we've owned about 20 of them) then I went to this local guy that refurnishes old vintage-y pieces, and there was some amazing stuff but i knew if I brought that home doug would say, "i can build that."  

So, since Doug had a slow work week last week,  he decided to do just that.  He found a table saw on Craigslist and that just opened up a whole new world of building for him.  

Here's the final product, all customized with dividers and everything. He also found a spray gun on craigslist (I really heart craigslist.)

I absolutely love it!  The only sad part is that it's now all hidden away in the kids closet. 


Maria said...

Dang, tell doug if he has another slow week, I could use an armoire :)

Tanya said...

wow, way to go Doug. That turned out amazing!

Julie Pia said...

Doug has always been so talented. I'm kind of jealous you have such a handy hubby. What a beautiful edition!

Cheryl said...

oh wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Doug you have some really good hidden talent there.

Too bad you have to put it in the closet...

I, too, am jealous. I love everything about it. Would pay huge $$$$ for that. extra cash maybe on the side for you??? Im sure some of those El-A-ers would totally go for.

brookeisacrazylady said...

that is freaking awesome. it looks just like it. jason was raving about it to me.

Sarah Heder said...

BEAUTIFUL! So talented. I love it! Can I make one for us too? Ha! Good job, Doug!

Carrie said...

WOW!!! That is one awesome dresser! I want one!

Jackie said...

Was that the Kubak guy? We bought something from him too. Looks good!

campblondie said...

Looks fab-o. Isn't it crazy what a table saw can facilitate.

Laura said...

You're right- Doug is totally a professional do-it-yourselfer. Very impressive.
Thanks for coming by the other day! We loved seeing you all. You guys are the best!

Renee said...

That is pretty impressive. I didn't know Doug was so handy. It looks awesome.