Friday, February 20, 2009

What do you do to celebrate Friday?

Today is video game day for Owen.  Free Friday, a day where you get to do whatever you want after school.  Owen always chooses video games.  

But yesterday we were at the doctor for an ear infection so today he's home letting the anitbiotics kick in, so in his mind he should be able to play games ALL day, after all it is free friday. 

I told him he had to wait until 2pm to play and that rest of the day was for building and coloring and playing and whatever. So since 9:45 this morning he's doing the count down.  

"mom, it's 10:14.  How many hours now?"

I think it's going to be a long day.

Today is video game day for Owen.  Free Friday, a day where you get to do whatever you want after school.  Owen always chooses video games.  

But yesterday we were at the doctor for an ear infection so today he's home letting the anitbiotics kick in, so in his mind he should be able to play games ALL day, after all it is free friday. 

I told him he had to wait until 2pm to play and that rest of the day was for building and coloring and playing and whatever. So since 9:45 this morning he's doing the count down.  

"mom, it's 10:14.  How many hours now?"

I think it's going to be a long day.


Anonymous said...

oohhhh! Let the poor ear infected boy play some video games!
I'm pulling for you O!

Amber said...

That was Ashlyn last week when she knew she was going to a friends house to play in the afternoon. Every five it 2 o'clock yet?

Sorry the little guy has an ear infection though. They are NO fun at all.

Cheryl said...

I dont celebrate Friday. Fridays are Tuesdays for us. I usually dont even notice its the weekend except for church on Sunday.

Earaches are the WORST. I hope those meds kick in soon!

Enjoy your weekend, MAKE DESSERT!: something chocolate and relax!

embot said...

oh, you softies...Clearly, you don't understand his obsession level. He'd play 12 hrs straight if i let him.

Although i guess he could be obsessed because i only let him play once a week!

Ah, ya can't win.

Cheryl, i need some yummy chocolate dessert! oh, how i need it.

Beth said...

Pizza Fridays????? Are you doing that yet? Can we come over? I reserve movie night for Fridays b/c I am usually fried with Adam working so late.

I'll come over and bring you chocolate. I miss you.

embot said...

Oh, yes. Pizza Friday is still on! i've made two different recipes and it's been just ok. i want a rock star NY style pizza crust recipe!

Yes, please come over! With or without chocolate, I'd love to have you. Once basketball season is over i think our fridays will clear up a little.